Red Reiding Hood: Nike Free Bionic training sneakers sarenza details wearing

Red Reiding Hood: Nike Free Bionic training sneakers sarenza details barefoot flexibel

Sneakers: Nike Free Bionic (via Sarenza)

Like I said before: I love the current sporty trend that’s going on in fashionland. Why? Because that way I can wear the same clothes for daily wear ánd training: Very economical. I think these kick-ass Nike Free Bionics would look great in my outfits, but I could rock them while doing my work outs as well. I’m planning on starting my Nike+ for Kinect routine again and these would be great for that. I also happen to know that they’re used during the NTC live classes in Amsterdam. They’re great for training (not so much for running though); They are the closest a shoe can get to a barefoot feeling. I mean, just look how flexible they are! Pretty awesome, right?
I think they’ll be featured on my new blog ‘Fitsters in Law‘  (about sports and food) a lot as well, so you might wanna check that out ;)

Lots of love,

Ps: Don’t forget to join my GIVEAWAY in order to win a pair of Invito boots worth 100 euros!

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