Sorry this giveaway is for Dutchies only :(

Góóóód news! You can win a FREE pair of jeans from clothing brand The Sting of your own choice(Check them all out here)!
As I told you yesterday, The Sting is one of my favorite brands when it comes to jeans. First of all because they’re mad of the best fabric: They’re not too stretchy (I hat those superstretch jeans, which grows four sizes bigger after wearing it for a couple of hours). PLUS they somehow manage to slim down your legs. I seriously don’t know how they do it, but I always feel like a supermodel when wearing a pair of those. I understand that you, after reading this, think ‘OH MY, I wanna try that out as well!’. Of course you can run to your nearest The Sting store or order your favorite pair online, BUT you can also ENTER MY GIVEAWAY!

So. How can you win a free pair of The Sting jeans of your choice?

Here’s what you need to do:

Leave your name and e-mail adress. That’s it!

However if you want an extra chance* (or multiple extra chances) of winning, you can do one/all/some of the following steps:

– Follow me on Bloglovin’ (+1)
– Like my FaceBook page (+1)
– Subscribe to my YouTube channel (+1)

This giveaway runs until November 16th! Good luck!

RED REIDING HOOD: THE STING winactie favorite jeans

*For everything you do, you’ll get one extra chance of winning. 
How am I going to do this? I’ll create an excel sheet and for everything you do, you’ll get a number. For example: Leaving your name and e-mailadress gives you number 20, but if you also followed me on Bloglovin’ and subscribed to my YouTube channel you’ll also get number 21 en 22. So you’ll end up with three number: 20,21 en 22, which gives you three chances!
If you did one of the extra’s, please tell in the comments so I can check it out!