RED REIDING HOOD: Fashion blogger week in instagram


So I completely forgot to share my week in instagram with you monday, so I’m catching up today. Here it finally is: My very first week of 2014 in instagram (Follow me @RedReidingHood)! And it was a great one! I celebrated New Year’s Eve, enjoyed my last week of the Christmas holiday and started my fit New Year’s resolutions. How was your week?

RED REIDING HOOD: Hulahoop flat belly workout instagram diary fashion blogger fitspo workout

1. I already started my New Year’s Resolutions before the actually New Year by hulahooping, which is such a fun excersise!

RED REIDING HOOD: Red lips lipstisck beautiful model instagram selfie fashion blogger

2. #Selfie

RED REIDING HOOD: Douwe Egberts café Leeuwarden koffie hotspot instagram diary
3. Last Douwe Egberts coffee of the year!

RED REIDING HOOD: Happy 2014 new year NYE celebrate fireworks fashion blogger instagram diary

4. Happy 2014 to all of my dear followers!

RED REIDING HOOD: 2014 instagram fireworks NYE holland

5. My best shot of the fireworks.

RED REIDING HOOD: No make up selfie fashion blogger glasses overnight oats in a jar homemade instagram

6. Living up to my good resolutions by starting my day with healthy (and anti hangover) food.

RED REIDING HOOD: Fashion blogger curls messy hair don't care beautiful smile selfie in the car diary

7. On our way to go see the family on New Year’s day.

RED REIDING HOOD: Model pretty beautiful girl smile red lips fashion blogger

8. Smiling, because it’s going to be a good year!

RED REIDING HOOD: Fashion blogger 30 day squat challenge before after results schema scheme

9.  Started the 30 day squat challenge!

RED REIDING HOOD: Nike Flyknit sneakers pink yellow chicks on kicks training running instagram fitspo

10. First run of the year and my poor Nike Flyknit babies are already covered in dirt.

RED REIDING HOOD: Hamsteren hamsterweken Albert Heijn instagram diary

11. Together with my bestie

RED REIDING HOOD: Fitspo black and white Nike Running Nike pro sports bra leggings tights hulahoop fitspo instagram

12. Just finished day 3 of the 30 day squat challenge. Time to hulahoop now! And yes, it looks like I’ve got an amputated leg ;)

Lots of love,

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