RED REIDING HOOD: All I see is $ign$ Rihanna quote money on my mind name necklace onecklace product review fashion blogger

RED REIDING HOOD: RED REIDING HOOD: All I see is $ign$ Rihanna quote pour it up lyrics money on my mind dollar signs name necklace onecklace product review fashion blogger

I’ve got to be honest with you: When oNecklace asked me if I wanted to do a review of a name necklace my first thoughts were ‘Nooooo, I’m not going to wear my own name around my neck’. But then it occured to me I didn’t necessary have to get my name on it, I could pick whatever word I like. So when I was listening to Rihanna’s Pour it up song, ‘All I see is signs, all I see is dollar signs‘, and when I also saw an instagram pic of her that she accompanied with a text saying ‘All i see is $ign$‘, I knew it: I wanted a necklace of the word ‘$ign$. So here it is! Since I got money on my mind, mo-mo-money in my mind, I deciced to combine it with my currency sweater.

What do you think? Less cheesy than wearing your own name around your neck, right (I’ve got to admit Carrie Bradshaw really rocks it though)?

Lots of love,

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