[english, scroll naar beneden voor NL] To be totally honest I’ve got to admit I’m not living the healthiest way I can. I work out only once a week (in stead of three times, which I used to) and have…
[english, scroll naar beneden voor NL] To be totally honest I’ve got to admit I’m not living the healthiest way I can. I work out only once a week (in stead of three times, which I used to) and have…
[english] I’ve some seriously ripe bananas laying around and since I didn’t want to throw them away, I decided to bake something healthy with them yesterday. Inspired by multiple recipes I came across on Pinterest I came up with these:…
[english] Since I think I’m not the only one with good resolutions, I think you might be interested in a healthy and yummy recipe as well. So may I present you: sticky pecan squares (inspired by a recipe from Love-Fed)….
[english] One of the best things about summer is the fact that watermelons are available in abundance! I usually eat them ‘raw’ or in a salad, but yesterday I found out that you can also grill them and turn them…
[english] You might have already see it appear in one of my vlogs: The no-bake peanut butter banana pie. I still had some overripe bananas that I didn’t want to throw away, but I didn’t feel like putting much effort…
[dutch] Quinoa sushi stond al een hele tijd op mijn t0-do list en afgelopen week heb ik ze dan eindelijk gemaakt, twee keer zelfs, omdat mijn vriend er de volgende dag alweer zin in had! Ze zijn dan ook super…
[dutch] Dit is één van de simpelste dingen die ik ooit heb gemaakt, maar ook zeker één van de lekkerste (en gezondste)! Deze makkelijke en snelle clean bananenijsjes moet je zeker eens proberen! Ingrediënten – 1 banaan – 4 eetlepels Griekse…